Snuza Halo Baby Movement Monitor Review

Snuza Halo Baby Movement Monitor
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As a new (neurotic) mom, I was terrified of SIDS.I found this product and purchased it to help soothe my fears.This has finally allowed me consistent night's peace.The first 3 weeks we had my daughter home I could not sleep.Every time I did not hear her breathe over the monitor I was sure something happened.Now I can sleep as long as my Bella has her baby beeper on!
Okay... how it works is simple... The Snuza fits snugly on her diaper and will vibrate if she stops breathing for any time.This usually causes her to take in a breath and "remind" her to breathe.I know when this happens, because the Snuza has a yellow warning button in the morning (as opposed to green).
My daughter is now 4.5 months old.It has vibrated her several times and alarmed 3 times.Each alarm was absolutely terrifying.My daughter was not breathing, however within seconds we were there to pick her up and wake her up!I don't know and don't want to know what would happen if we did not have the Snuza.
This item is a must for every new parent.I wish more people knew about it!Very highly recommended.
Another thing is that it is reusable for another child later.Just send it back to Snuza and they will replace it completely for a small ($20) fee.Totally worth it!

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Product Description:
Snuza Halo Baby Movement Monitor - BasicDo you ever wonder what is going on at night in your baby's crib? Is he/she rolling around or just laying there in the dark?The Snuza Halo Baby Movement Monitor will give you peace of mind that your baby is relaxing comfortably. You can clip it to your baby's diaper and it will monitor stomach movements. If there is no movement for 15 seconds, the Monitor will provide a gentle nudge to your little one. If there is no more movement after 20 seconds, an alar

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