Bali - Four Piece Crib Set (quilt, bumper, sheet, dust ruffle) Review

Bali - Four Piece Crib Set
Average Reviews:

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I can't help but love this bedding set.I saw it and loved it while pregnant with my first child.Before I knew the gender, I knew I wanted this bedding set!Now I am 36 weeks pregnant with baby #2, and I'm buying the exact same set again for him so they can match.The colors and design of this set are beautiful.It is a pricey set, but I've never regretted buying it a day in my life - obviously, since I'm back for #2! :)

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Product Description:
Cocalo Bali Four Piece Crib Set includes a 44" x 37" quilt, a 10" x 157" bumper with 9" long ties, a 42" x 80" dust ruffle with a 17" ruffle, and a 52" x 28" fitted sheet.

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