BumbleRide Queen B Stroller Review

BumbleRide Queen B Stroller
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The QueenB is the best stroller there is, ever, period.I have owned and tried many high end boutique strollers, and this is head and shoulders above anything I have yet come across.

We've had ours from about 18 months.The more I use it, the more I'm impressed with it.It is a dream.

I have heard the criticism that its hard to turn in tight spaces.Bologna!Its is the EASIEST to turn in tight spaces.And of this point you may want to make additional note in the manual or such as I can see how people may make that inaccurate conclusion.If you "push forward" into the turn so as to put weight on the front wheels, they straighten out and make tight turns tough.But if you "push down" on the rear to take weight off the front wheels, it is the easiest tight "turn on a dime" ever.It actually turns itself.I can load the QueenB with a 1 year old and a 5 year old (with toddler seat) plus the ever full diaper bag, and navigate any department store with one hand... like a dream.There is no other stroller that could do this.(Admittedly if you try turning it like its a Graco, you could frustrate at it.)

Not to mention its just smooth as ice, with the oh-so-clever shock absorbers (kudos to the designer on that one) and the large air inflated tires.I enjoy just pushing it; I imagine for the kids its even smoother.So solid and sturdy, even with the adjustable handles, which I worried would get wobbly and "give" over time, it is a solid tank.We are increasingly impressed, dazzled, and amazed the more we use it.

Is anything wrong with it?Yes, a few downsides.Its heavy to lift, and is a large stroller; this is minor to me.The cup holder isn't fantastic; thats irritating, but also minor.The foot brake is solid and effective at being a brake, but is hard to release with your foot; sometimes I need to bend down and use my hand to release it.All minor complaints when compared to its upsides.

Well I just wanted to take a minute to give feedback on this fantastic stroller.The engineers did a great job.

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Product Description:
BumbleRide Queen B Stroller The BumbleRide Queen B has all of the hoopla surrounding it that all of the top standard strollers do.With a five point safety harness and infant headrest, the child is going to be safe and comfortable.The Queen B stroller from Bumbleride features 3 different colors to choose from, including the always popular Ruby. The Bumbleride Queen B boasts 12 inch air wheels that have quick release capability.When the backrest is fully reclined and the boot cover attache

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