I'Coo Targo Stroller and Pram Review

I'Coo Targo Stroller and Pram
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We purchased this stroller mainly because we wanted to be able to see our 6 month old daughter and were not willing to spend $1000 on a bugaboo. Here is what we discovered.

1. very sturdy
2. easy to handle
3. comfortable inside due to padding

1. bulky and heavy (and I have an SUV and it takes up almost the whole trunk). If you travel, there is zero room for your luggage.
2. not easy to fold and unfold, the latch gest stuck, too many steps to fold and unfold as you have to turn the handle inside, make sure the footrest is straight otherwise it stick out and you can see it in the rear vew mirror
3. wobbly when facing towards you
4. handle bar does not stay put and creates a potential hazard for the baby
5. buckle- if you are considering this stroller- hear me out on this one. it takes two people and a LOT of patience to buckle your baby in this stroller. THis is a 3 part process, during which you or the baby will be screaming from frustration (sometimes both at the same time). When you try to do the side buckles, the middle will come off and vice versa.
6. CANOPY is way too small. If you live in a sunny state (like CA), this is a no-go. As you recline the seat to put the baby to sleep, the canopy reclines with it leaving you baby fully exposed to the sun. THere is no blanket large enough to cover it, and frankly you shouldn't have to need one after spending $600 on a stroller!
7. no accessories- no cupholder or anything!

Overall, we are VERY disappointed with this stroller. I have spend unspeakable amount of time researching the strollers, and am now considering Maclaren Grand Tour- excellent reviews, easy fold, light and reversible. And it has a HUGE canopy. Yes, it is $1000, but I am tired of fighting with Icoo for two months!

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Product Description:
You're never too young to enjoy a German-engineered ride.Award-winning German engineering sets a new standard in functionality and design with the i'coo Targo Stroller and Pram. Effortless to push, the i'coo Targo features lightweight, composite wheels and ball-bearing assemblies that reduce friction. It's durable, automatic, air-filled chambers mean the wheels will never deflate.The award winning, i'coo Targo sets a new standard in functionality and design with it's remarkable handling and ul

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